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Kickball Rules

What we bring
- Kickballs

What you bring
- Sneakers or cleats (no metal spikes)

Team Setup
- 10 players on the defensive field: 4 outfield, 4 infield, pitcher, and catcher 
- Minimum of 3 females on field at a time
- If 1 or 2 females are present, then only 7 men can still be on the field.  
- Teams must have at least 7 players present to play  
- Outfielders must stay on the outfield grass until after the ball is kicked  
- Infielders must stay behind the imaginary line across the infield from first base to third base until after the ball is kicked  
- Batting order is male, female, male, female continuously throughout the game.  Men must keep a consistent batting order and women must keep a separate consistent batting order.  
- Everyone kicks, regardless of whether he or she played the field in a given inning

*Any rule adjustments relevant to number of players on the field can be made PRIOR to the start of the game if BOTH Captains agree and confirm with the Umpire and/or MCCS League Manager. Rule adjustment must also be confirmed by a neutral third party in the case of a dispute.*

Sub Policy
- Please refer to the league "Subs" page:
- If you do not have enough players for the evening, you may borrow players from other teams in the league. There will be a 2 run penalty for borrowing an in-league player. 
- You may register a Non-Rostered Substitute player as a substitute. Non-Rostered Subs must be registered through our website prior to arriving at the field. Non-Rostered Subs will pay $15 to play (given to the league manager) and must show proof of registration to referee when arriving at the field.
- Teams that require more than three subs to field a team will automatically forfeit.  Opposing team may choose to offer players to compete in scrimmage game if desired. The opposing team will be awarded a 10-0 score.

- The number of teams that make the playoffs will vary by league size.  
- Regular season play identifies the teams that will make the playoffs as well as seeding for playoff schedule.  If regular season win/loss records result in a tie for a playoff spot or higher playoff seeding, the playoff tiebreaker rules are as follows:

- Head to head match ups. If still tied, then refer to:
- Highest point differential in head to head match ups - if still tied, then refer to: 
- Highest point differential through entire season.

Substitutes within the league are not allowed during playoffs.
- Registered subs must have played at least 2 regular season games with the same team in order to be eligible as subs in playoff games.

Gameplay - Pitching
- Pitcher's role is to make easily "kickable" balls for batters.  No spin, excessively fast pitching, or bouncing of balls. Uncooperative pitchers can be removed by the umpire if necessary.  
- Strike zone is the plate plus 1 foot on either side and 1 foot in front.  
- Ball must be thrown underhand.
- 4 balls is a walk
- 3 strikes is an out (foul with 2 strikes is an out).

Gameplay - Fielding
- Infield Fly Rule - A fielder may NOT intentionally drop a catch-able ball in an attempt to complete a double-play. If a player intentionally drops a ball as determined by the referee, then all players are safe at their next base including the kicker running to 1st base. Infield fly rule is only in effect when there are runners on first and second or bases are loaded.            
Fielders have priority of space: contact between runners and fielders will result in runner being called out unless umpire determines that a fielder intentionally obstructed or interfered with a runner or intentionally drew contact. 

Gameplay - Kicking
- The team captain is responsible for assigning and monitoring the kicking order.  
- All players must kick in alternating male / female order. Separate male and female orders are kept  
- Kickers can place plant foot no more than one foot in front of home plate to kick.  
- Bunting is not allowed. Bunting is any action determined by umpire to deaden the ball.   Kicks must include a follow through motion. 
- Kicking with any part of the foot is allowed (toe, instep, laces, etc) 
- Kicks that do not hit the foot (shin, knee, etc) or that hit the batter on another body part after they hit the foot are considered foul balls.

Gameplay - Base Running
- The base runner may run through 1st, 2nd, and 3rd bases rather than stopping on each base. Treat every base like 1st base.      
- All plays at bases are treated as force outs, regardless of whether the runner is truly forced or not.  Runners do not need to be tagged if a throw beats them to any base they are running through. 
- Runners must avoid contact with fielders. Contact will result in an out.  

- Runners are not required to touch the base if they are avoiding contact with fielder. Runners should run as fast as possible past/through the bag while avoiding contact. 
- The base runner must use the safety base to score at home plate. 
- No sliding or diving while running the bases. Sliding or diving will result in an out.   
- Runners must be touching the base until the ball is kicked.  Runners who lead or leave the base early will be called out.  
- Runners cannot steal a base.
- Runners may not advance bases once the pitcher or another player has the ball within a 5 yard radius of the pitchers mound.  
- Runners may be thrown out by hitting them directly with the ball below the shoulders. Hitting the runner above the shoulders in the head or neck is prohibited.  
- All ties go to the runner.
- For plays that take place around home plate, the catcher must use home plate to force a runner out while the runner must use the safety base. The determination of whether a runner is out or safe is dependent upon if the ball/catcher touches home plate prior to the runner tagging the safety base.

- Commit Rule - Once a player rounding first, second, or third base passes the halfway point (as ruled by the umpire), player must proceed to the next base. 

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